Marielana Haralampaki

Marielena Charalampaki was born in Athens in 1996. With a passion for fashion, she pursued her dream and studied at the Istituto Marangoni in Milan. After completing her studies in 2017, she gained valuable experience in the fashion industry in London, working at the PR offices of ALBERTA FERRETTI, MOSCHINO, PHILOSOPHY, JEREMY SCOTT, and simultaneously at the Hermès store in HARRODS. Finally, she worked for the company ISHU, designing and researching innovative clothing collections.

In 2019, she decided to return to Greece with the aim of combining her knowledge with the family jewelry business. There, alongside her mother, she developed her talent, attending seminars and exploring various jewelry-making techniques.

In 2023, she created her own jewelry collection, MH JEWELLERY STUDIO, where each piece is an authentic work of art that reflects her finesse and passion for aesthetics and elegance.