Hara Karamichali

"Engagement with handicrafts began at a young age next to my grandmother from Asia Minor who taught me to knit with a needle. Evolving this technique and experimenting with various materials, knitting with a needle, wire, and semiprecious stones are the materials that characterize me. For me, handmade jewelry is much more than a simple hobby. I emphasize detail and the 'sculpture' of each design so that it embraces the female body, adapts gracefully, and follows its movements."

Hara Karamichali has been active in the field of jewelry for more than 10 years. She is one of the first Greek designers to engage with a traditional art, applying it to contemporary jewelry. The combination of traditional knitting with wire and semiprecious stones makes her creations original and timeless...

Her creations are hosted in countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, and others.

Hara Karamichali has attended seminars on handmade jewelry and design in Greece and London (Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design). She has participated in exhibitions in Athens, Crete, Milan, and the Netherlands. From 2009 to 2015, she was a co-owner of the Craftit workshop and Craftit store in Athens, where she taught knitting and many other jewelry techniques. Additionally, she participates as a lecturer in jewelry creation seminars.